Monday, April 29, 2013

Keep the Fundraising Rollin'

First of all, thanks to those of you who participated in our Dribbling to Africa 3-on-3 Tournament and also to those of you who helped make the day run smoothly. Also a special thanks to those of you who even though you weren't able to attend the tournament but committed to pray that the day would run smoothly and that we were able to get teams to sign up! We ended up having a really good turnout.  We had 11 futsal, 9 men's basketball, and 7 women's basketball teams.  Lucas and I ended up making $802 that will go towards our trip!  Praise the Lord!
Here is a picture of the futsal tournament champs. 
Unfortunately, we got all the way to the end of the day, and realized we hadn't really taken any pictures!  Neither of us do a great job of taking advantage of when there are opportunities for pictures, but we will try to do a better job in the future!
We have some good news as far as our support raising.  We are officially 30% of the way to our goal of $34,200!  Our goal is to leave at the end of October or early November.  We will have to raise about $4,000 a month through October in order to be able to leave on time.  Please pray that our support would continue to come in, fundraisers would go well, and that we are able to set up more fundraisers.  Also please pray that we would not get discouraged.  Anyone who has had to raise support before know that there are alot of ups and downs which can be very discouraging at times.
Cookie Fundraiser~ Bekah has been busy putting together "cookies in a bag" to sell.  Below is a picture of what the bags look like.  They include all the dry ingredients.  All you have to do is add the wet ingredients.  They are $5 for a bag, and it is for such a great cause!  We have five different types available:

  • Chocolate Chip
  • White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk
  • Snickerdoodles
  • Oatmeal


    Email us at if you are interested in placing an order.   Even if you live far away, we could work something out!  They also make great great gifts! 
    Upcoming Events:
    June 1: Nelson's Port-a-Pit~
    Please pray for good weather and that we are able to sell all the chicken
    June 14-15: Garage Sale~
    Please pray for good weather again!  Also we are trying to get as many items donated as possible, so if you want to get anything off your hands during spring cleaning just let us know!
    Thanks so much for your continual prayers and support!  We get more and more excited as more support is coming in, and we have to give all the credit to God for providing for us thus far. 

    Let the Fundraising Begin!

    Our first "official" fundraiser is tomorrow March 26th at Chic-Fil-A on Main Street. When you present this flyer above, we will get 20% of whatever you spend! It is all day, but you HAVE to have the flyer when you go into the Chic-Fil-A. Lucas and I will be at the Chic-Fil-A tomorrow from 5-7 pm helping to clear tables and help out during their "dinner rush".

    On Saturday, April 13th we are having a 3-on-3 futsal and basketball tournament at Bethel College. We will have both a girls and guys division for you both as long as enough people sign up for each division. It costs $20 to enter a team, and the winning team for each division will recieve $100!

    If you are interested in more information, check out the event link below on facebook. Let Lucas or I know if you would like to enter a team!

    Dribbling to Africa Tournament

    Please be praying specifically for this event. As of right now, we are really struggling to get people to commit to play. We are hoping as the event gets closer that more people will sign up. Also please pray that Lucas and I will trust that God will have this tournament go as He sees fit, not how we "think" it should go, and that we will not get discouraged.

    On Saturday, June 1st we will be having a Nelson's Port-a-Pit Chicken sale. Please be praying we will have nice weather for the day, at least that it doesn't rain because that will be huge!

    We have some other events that are in the works, and we will be able to focus on getting those events together and nail down dates after the tournament is over because right now that is taking alot of our time and energy. Some of our other ideas are having a garage sale with people donating items, having a silent auction, and some sports camps.

    If anyone has any other ideas for fundraisers that work well, please let us know! We are definitely open to new ideas!

    Support Update:
    We are currently 6% of the way to our goal of $34,200.

    Why Senegal?

    Alot of people have been asking Lucas and I, why did you guys choose to go to Senegal? Well Lucas and I "officially" started our life long journey together last summer June 16, 2012. While we were dating, we had talked about possibly going overseas together at some point to do missions. After we got married we quickly came to the realization by ourselves and talking with other couples how easy it can be to get sucked into the "American Dream" style of living. Not only by buying the perfect little house, having kids, and keeping up with current technology and the latest styles, but also how after living together for very long and living in the same place, people have the natural human tendency to become comfortable where we are at in our lives and find it even more difficult to leave. We both were determined that we didn't want that to happen to us and started really seeking out and praying about where God would have us. But going overseas actually started to become a reality this past fall in about October. Both Lucas and I have a strong passion to further the kingdom of God and to honor and glorify him in everything we do. Anyone who knows us also knows that we both also love sports. So why not do the best of both worlds?!? Play sports while also being able to build the relationships with people and share Christ!
    So this past fall, we began the process of starting to look into opportunities to go serve. We were looking at different opportunties in West Africa to see where God was leading us. He led us to Thies, Senegal where we will be serving and living for a year. As we live in Thies, we will be serving and working with the local Senegalese people, primarily children. We will be working with some of the local churches to build relationships with the Senegalese people. While we are there, we will be trying to set up and run sports camps, tournaments, and possibly coach teams.   We are excited to see what God has in store for us, and to see how he will use our talents and abilities in Senegal to honor and glorify Him!